
Den passenden Planer

für Ihr Haus finden.


Intelligent Skins

Building shell with added value

“With an eye toward the future, we have created and further developed a shell, a skin, for buildings, which meets the requirements for a highly insulated structure without prejudicing the options for architecture or surface coatings”, said Christof Weissenseer CEO and owner of Weissenseer.

Beautiful, functional, easy to set up and ecologically sensible – these are just some of the requirements for building modernisation. Weissenseer fully meets these wishes with its “intelligent skin” brand. The passive wood shell can be manufactured separately from the rest of the building – which creates exciting possibilities for sustainable renovations. The diagram below shows how this works in practice. Turn the old into something new – not only visually but thermally.

References business renovations

Gebäudeschnitt intelligent skin Sanierungen bzw. Hülle vor Rohbau

Gebäudeschnitt Sanierungen