Weissenseer Holz-System-Bau GmbH
Weissensee Strasse 1
9761 Greifenburg
How to build 2 residential buildings with 6 or 7 floors without access to cranes or trucks? Weissenseer was faced with this task in the construction of two residential buildings, with mixed construction from wood, concrete and steel, in an inaccessible vacant lot. The solution: A crane was hoisted over an existing building with the help of another crane, and all the components were brought to the construction site from outside with this crane.
The innovative concept incorporates and includes the existing building
– Garden and greening as a balancing measure
– Greening of the fire walls
– Integration of start-up companies, urban farming and co-working spaces in the overall concept
– Car sharing and e-filling station.
The heating concept envisages the construction of an energy centre in the basement of an adjacent existing building and the servicing of the two wooden buildings via a local heating conduit. It also draws in the existing building leading to a significant increase in efficiency compared to the previous heat supply.
In the future, the heat supply will be provided by combined heat and power technology from the combined heat and power plant (34kWel and 67kWth) and gas condensing boiler. The 10% addition of natural gas also raises the sustainability factor.
SIEBENECK Architekturkollektiv
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